Monday, April 18, 2011

Can't you pay someone to do that for you? Billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg picks up after his new puppy

He is worth a staggering $13.5 billion, but Mark Zuckerberg isn't afraid to do dirty work.

The Facebook co-founder, 26, was spotted picking up after his new puppy Beast while on a walk near his home in Palo Alto, California, yesterday.

 Dirty business: Billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg picked up after his puppy Beast as he took him for a walk near his home in Palo Alto, yesterday

Dirty business: Billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg picked up after his puppy Beast as he took him for a walk near his home in Palo Alto, yesterday

Dressed in a simple grey T-shirt, jeans and trainers, Zuckerberg looked like any regular dog owner as he strolled through the street.

The world's youngest billionaire proved himself to be a responsible dog own as he whipped out a plastic bag, crouch down and cleaned up his puppy's mess.

However, Zuckerberg appears to be struggling to toilet train Beast, who had an accident at the launch of the Facebook data centre, in Pineville, Oregon, last Friday.

Mess: After Beast had done his business, Zuckerberg whipped out a plastic bag, crouch down and cleaned up the mess

Mess: After Beast had done his business, Zuckerberg whipped out a plastic bag, crouch down and cleaned up the mess

The web designer was left to clean up a puddle in the office.

Zuckerberg even posted the pictures on the dog's very own Facebook page with an accompanying caption.

'Mark took me to see Facebook's new data centre, and I christened it by peeing on the floor. That puddle at the bottom left is all me,' it said.

The reclusive Facebook founder rarely gives any glimpse of his private life, despite the fact he has the private lives of millions of people at his fingertips.

Casual: Dressed in a simple grey t-shirt, a pair of jeans and some trainers, Zuckerberg looked like any regular dog owner, no less the youngest billionaire's in the world

Casual: Dressed in a simple grey T-shirt, a pair of jeans and some trainers, Zuckerberg looked like any regular dog owner, no less the youngest billionaire's in the world

Apart from a stint on the Oprah Winfrey show last year - when he allowed viewers into his humble home - no one knew exactly what made the world's youngest billionaire tick.

Instead of the sprawling mansion and fleet of flash cars in the drive like people imagined, he showed off a sparsely furnished rented home with a modest hatchback parked outside.

Viewers were also introduced to Priscilla Chan, Zuckerberg's Harvard-grad girlfriend who, in a rare moment of tenderness, he kisses outside the house he shares with her. Oops! Beast had an embarrassing accident at the launch of his owner's new Facebook data centre, in Pineville, Oregon last Friday

Oops! Beast had an embarrassing accident at the launch of his owner's new Facebook data centre, in Pineville, Oregon last Friday

Zuckerberg was said to be horrified when he learned that a story of his life and how he created the world's largest social networking site was going to be created.

The Social Network went on to be almost as famous as the site it was based around, earning itself ten Oscar nominations and winning three.

In it, he is portrayed as a borderline autistic conniver who sets up Facebook in retaliation of being dumped by a girlfriend at Harvard.

His dog, a Hungarian Puli called Beast, is a Facebook user and already has more than 97,426 'likes'.

On his profile it he is described as a 'public figure who likes cuddling, loving and eating'.

Play time: Zuckerberg and his girlfriend Pricilla Chan were pictured playing with Beast in an album titled 'Moving to Palo Alto' which was posted on the dog's own Facebook page last month

Play time: Zuckerberg and his girlfriend Pricilla Chan were pictured playing with Beast in an album titled 'Moving to Palo Alto' which was posted on the dog's own Facebook page last month

Seems like an ordinary dog, except that his first photo album gives a tiny glimpse of the Facebook creator at his home with his girlfriend, 'Cilla' as she is referred to on the page.

Zuckerberg is seen in various poses cuddling the dog at what appears to be his Californian home.

Many people have already commented on the album, most of whom are Hungarian and seemingly pleased that he has chosen a dog from their country.

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